RunSun Home Decor & Design

What is a Drip Irrigation System

What is a Drip Irrigation System
What is a Drip Irrigation System

Recently, drip irrigation systems have become very popular for the care of summer cabins, providing the right amount of water to plants at the right time. This irrigation system is based on the principle of capillary action: water is supplied in the form of droplets and the moisture is produced due to the action of the same capillary forces. You will learn What is a Drip Irrigation System in the RunSun article.

Traditionally, the design of a drip irrigation system consists of

  • A dripping pipe.
  • Irrigation pipes.
  • and distribution pipes.

Also, drip irrigation can operate in two modes.

  • Automatic, where irrigation is turned on and off at set times.
  • Mechanical.

Benefits of Drip Irrigation Systems

The drip irrigation arrangement is a logical solution for medium and large farms and household plots.

  1. there is an even and correct watering. The water goes directly to the root zone of the plant, not to the leaves.
  2. Labor costs are reduced. All human effort boils down to turning the tap on and off.
  3. it is saving water.
  4. It helps to really increase productivity.

Another advantage of a drip irrigation system over traditional irrigation methods is that it can even work at low pressure. This is a very familiar situation for summer residents, where the water pressure in the pump is so low that all containers must be filled in advance. The most important thing is: that this irrigation system is considered the most economical and efficient.

How to Choose a Drip Irrigation System

Installing drip irrigation on your location today is within everyone’s capabilities. The important things are.

  • Select a good hose for watering.
  • Determine the type of irrigation and the system design.

Special attention needs to be paid to the quality of the droppers, as this is the weakest link in the whole system. They can quickly clog and fail. To reduce this risk, it is necessary to install a fine filter, which will absorb all the dirt. Do not forget to clean the filter cartridge regularly.

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