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Working in the Garden in Autumn

Working in the Garden in Autumn
Working in the Garden in Autumn

Fall is the time when your garden starts to fall asleep, but that’s no reason to give up on it. In the fall, your garden needs care, too. Today we’ll talk about what gardening tasks you should do in the fall. You will learn about Working in the Garden in Autumn in the RunSun article.

Paint the Trees

In addition to whitewashing protecting trees from insects, it also helps them survive frosts. Trees that have been treated are more resistant to extreme temperatures in the winter.
The most popular and cheapest solution is prepared as follows.
Dissolve 2 kg of lime and 400 g of copper sulfate in 10 liters of water to make a paste (we do not add paste for young trees). In the modern construction market, there are already ready-made “stucco blue sulfuric acid” mixtures. They are more convenient and save time. If you add carbolic acid to the solution, you will also protect your garden from rodents and rabbits.

How to Protect Your Garden from Insects

Many insects live in the garden: apple moths, ringworms, caterpillars, hawthorn, golden tail, etc. All of these can harm plants and therefore need to be dealt with.
In order to protect your garden from insects, you need to take a number of measures.
Removal of leaves and debris from the garden.
Removing dead bark with an iron brush.
Digging 20 cm deep into the soil.
inspecting the trees and destroying any calluses.
spraying the plants with a five percent solution of urea.
spraying trees with insect repellent.
spraying for diseases (adding iron sulfate, Bordeaux solution, copper chloride oxide, or fungicide preparations)
Treating all damage with a solution of iron sulfate.
covering all damage with cement mortar.

How to Get Rid of Rodents in the Garden

To prevent pests in your garden, you need to protect the entire perimeter from rodents and hares. The fastest and easiest way is to wrap the trunk with burlap and roofing material (you need to use burlap or the tree will swell) and then dig at the bottom with dirt so rodents can’t unravel them. Some gardeners even use women’s rights, but this is not reliable.

Pruning Trees

Start after leaf picking. Cutting is usually done from September to October. You can’t start too late because the tree won’t have time to heal and may dry out. We are the first to remove large dry branches and then move on to the sore spots. The next step is to prune the “excessive” density and those branches that are growing at the wrong angle. If you haven’t pruned for a long time and your tree is too thick, then you can’t clean everything at once. It is best to perform this procedure in several seasons. Partly now, partly in March, and then next October, to go further in terms of density and neglect.

You Can’t Prune Seedlings Now

It is worth postponing the matter until March. After completing the procedure, the cutting points must be treated with garden spacing and painted from above. For quality work, we need a quality saw. If the garden is large, then even a chainsaw.

Fertilizing the Tree

It is very important to feed the trees in the fall. During this period they gain strength before the subsequent fruiting, i.e. the so-called immunity of the trees is strengthened. Apply a root dressing together with the main fertilizer when digging up the soil. This must be done before October. A young tree needs about 30 kg of humus and an adult tree needs 50 kg. We also add a lot of phosphorus, nitrogen, potassium, iron, and magnesium, but must reduce boron, manganese, cobalt, and copper.

Digging the Tree

This must also be done annually. In addition to oxygenating the soil, we also destroy weed bacteria, larvae, and insect nesting. Large clods do not need to be broken or the soil may freeze and weather. All work must be completed before the snowfalls. In most cases, the deadline for excavation is November. To make everything run smoothly, you need to use high-quality tools. A new bayonet shovel will speed up the process.

What to Do with the Leaves in the Garden

Some inexperienced gardeners believe that it is necessary to act like nature – leave everything as it is, do not clean up, and then the leaves will turn into humus and make the earth fertile. Most professional gardeners say that the eggs of fallen leaves contain pests and diseases. It must be removed and disposed of. Of course, if you take good care of your garden and there is no disease in it, then you can “follow nature’s orders” and let the leaves rot. It is best to collect them in bags and save them until spring to rot and spring fertilization. To optimize the process, you should purchase a garden wheelbarrow, rake, and bags.

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