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Rapid Composting For Planting Seedlings And Indoor Flowers

Rapid Composting For Planting Seedlings And Indoor Flowers
Rapid Composting For Planting Seedlings And Indoor Flowers

Plant residues that are present in large quantities in any area can easily be turned into fertile soil for planting seedlings in the fall. You will learn Rapid Composting For Planting Seedlings And Indoor Flowers in the RunSun article.

How To Accelerate The Maturation Of Compost In The Compost Pit?

The decomposition of organic matter takes place in the presence of microorganisms. The more bacteria there are, the better their habitat and the faster the conversion of plant residues into compost. Organic matter placed in compost pits in the fall will decompose over a considerable period of time. Cold, poor ventilation, placing large amounts of residues at once – all of these complicate the work of the bacteria.

In order to obtain a fertile substrate, plant residues must be left in the compost pit for at least 1 year. But there are ways to speed up the decomposition process of organic matter.

Three elements are needed to convert plant residues into compost quickly: nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium. Plant waste contains enough potassium that no additional additions are needed. But to increase the “working capacity” of bacteria, it does not hurt to give them nutrients in the form of mineral nitrogen and phosphorus.

In the compost pile to improve the compost, you need to spread a handful of urea and calcium superphosphate every 50 cm. And, if available, add manure or bird droppings there.

Composting In The Apartment, Without Odors And Midges

However strange it may seem, even in the apartment, you can prepare a small amount of compost. For this, you need to collect all the cleaning agents for vegetables and fruits in your kitchen. Animal products are not suitable for this method. For composting, you can use any convenient container (three-liter jar, small container). The waste should be mixed with sawdust in a ratio of 1:1. For example, you can use cat litter based on sawdust.

In this case, the container lid should not be closed tightly. If there is no oxygen, the organic matter will take longer to decompose.

Adding sawdust will eliminate odors. To speed up the decomposition process, any compost booster or a small amount of regular garden soil should be added to the container. This way, compost will be available in 1.5-2 months.

Preparing The Soil Mixture For Growing Seedlings

Ready-made soil for growing seedlings and houseplants is not always of good quality. In autumn, you can easily prepare a fertile soil mixture with your own hands. To obtain fertile soil, you need to bring a 50-liter bag (e.g. a large garbage bag). Fill it with plant residues (fallen leaves, tops, straw, etc.) + garden soil at 15-20 cm. Prepare the solution.

Pour 70 g of dry yeast or 100 g of pressed yeast into 500 ml of water. Boil for 10 minutes. Pour 100 g of glycerin (70%) here. Add 2 tablespoons of sugar and wood mold preparation. Let us rest for a few hours. Dilute 10 liters of water. Use 100-200 ml of the resulting solution to overflow the contents of the bag. Then do everything in the same way until the bag is completely clogged with plant debris.

The soil mixture obtained in this way will be ready when the seedlings are sown.

It is necessary to store the bags in a warm place (warm shed, basement) where the temperature is not less than 10 degrees Celsius throughout the year. The edges of the bags must be tied. Since decomposition takes place in the absence of oxygen, there will be more nutrients in the soil than in the compost obtained in the traditional way.

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